Surrendering To Love - Moonstone Energy

Surrendering To Love

With this New Year already here, I feel that this needs to be discussed. Over the past few months there has been times where I've noticed that when tragedy strikes, we are left to not only pick up the pieces but we also are left to tend to our hearts. Whether we loose someone by death, a failed relationship, failed friendship or otherwise. I've come to find that several of my clients have had some form of deity to intercede on their behalf during those times of tragedy. The particular deity would be of love.

Being in a world where people thrive off of hatred of self and others, malice and chaos, in addition to your own struggles can cause you to become cold. Your heart is blocked off from receiving. When I say receiving, I mean getting blessings from the universe and platonic and romantic love. We can be our own worst enemy at times. Its not all of our fault given the atrocities that you may have faced. In those times of coldness, I challenge you to dig deep within yourself and find that little bit of love, compassion, grace and hope. 

This life has its ways, you and I both know this but it is our duty and purpose to actively choose to live a life of fulfillment and joy. Finding peace when you are in different stages of life can prove to be a task. So I ask you to find what brought you peace, love and joy again. Live in that emotion and make it multiply!

I myself had to make some difficult decisions over the past couple of months on this road to self-healing. I had to decide to leave 2021 in 2022. It was difficult, I also had to be made aware of what my pain has done to my emotions as well. Boundaries are very important. Self-awareness is also just as important.

As an assignment for you, I will ask that you write in your journals about a time that almost took you away from yourself and ask how was your heart afterwards? This can be a starting point for some much needed healing.


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