When I say 2023 is a new year with a different feel, I mean just that! This may sound cliche but I'm serious! Let's talk numerology! So if you add up 2+0+2+3=7. In numerology, the number 7 represents wholeness and perfection(both Physical and Spiritual) This number is associated with ascension and a life free of obstacles aka the soft life!
In tarot, the 7th card in the deck is the Chariot card which is about success, willpower to fuel desires and invariably having a driving desire for spiritual wisdom and knowledge. The number 7 tends to describe intellectuals, deep thinkers, philosophers and scholars. These people tend to analyze things from every angle before making a decision. Their souls are visionary and their way of thinking is unique.They are problem-solvers, wanting to discover reasons for why whatever happens in life. The number 7 is also associated with luck.
So what does the number 7 have to do with manifesting a soft life you ask? Well, since 2023 is the year of 7, it is linked to the divine energy within you, your highest self or your Ori. That part of you is the piece of yourself that is balanced. Both your Divine Feminine(sacral/solar plexus chakra) and Divine Masculine(root chakra) self are equal. When you are balanced, you know when to be in which mode to accomplish which task. As it pertains to the soft life, you are in your flow!
Before I dive more into manifesting like a bad bish, let's define"soft life". So by definition as per the ladies in these social media streets, it is an era where you are allowing things to be as they are, which is your divine feminine kicking in! You are well taken care of spiritually, emotionally and financially! You are in the spa, in mediation sessions or even on a plane to some island and hear nothing but deposits into your bank account! Your needs and wants are met!
Now let's talk about the Divine Feminine. The Divine Supreme energy that you work with is behind this new blessing, and has allowed you to completely immerse yourself in bliss! That energy is about surrendering to flow, being at peace, and not chasing things or people that are not aligned with you! You are in a position to attract things that matches your frequency! Things that you desire most are just as attracted to you as you are it! Think LOA!
Now, let's talk about manifesting! So when we manifest things during the New Moon, we are setting our intentions and telling God/Universe, "Hey! This is what I want and I am grateful that you are giving it to me!" This process is how you manifest the soft life, in conjunction with a road opener! If you have seen or heard of other spiritualist/witches/Hoodoos talking about a road opener, this is why! You need to clear a path for that newness to thrive. Once completed, your task is to show up, state what you want aloud and watch it unfold!
By putting yourself in places where your blessings reside, you are making it practically impossible to fail! As for your life surrounding your finances, career, spiritual wellness and love, its all in perfect harmony because of the work and time you put in! Now me being who I am, I have some recommendations to manifest soft life like a bad bish!
1. Road Opener! The road needs to be clear before hand! Speak what it is you need aloud to the universe and ask them to clear the way and open up the roads; give you the keys to success! If you work with Papa Legba, petition his aid and do what needs to be done!
2. Personal Power! Use the sacred ritual kit to step into your Empress power and take what was laid out for you in all areas of life! Click the Image and start anew!
3. The Moonstone Energy University to take your earning potential from 1 income source to multiple in 6 mos! No one can take your check away if YOU are writing them! This course is meant to help budding entrepreneurs and current business owners grow their business! Literacy is the key to business success! WHen you know better, you do better! Class will be starting next week and I have a special announcement too! My email tribe already knows! I'm ready to spread the word like wildfire! See you there!