Letters From the Old Me: Where were you at? (Poem Series) - Moonstone Energy

Letters From the Old Me: Where were you at? (Poem Series)

Where were you at when I needed a friend the most?

Where were you at when I was hurting?

Where were you at when underneath all of those jokes and smiles, I was screaming for a life jacket to save me from drowning in my own remorse, fears and anger?

Where were you when my name was being slandered all over town?.........

No, let me not ask where were you at......Where was I?!...

Where was I when I needed me the most?

Where was I when I needed to share my truth but instead, I choose to make someone else smile.....

That sadness, shame and guilt almost took me.........

I instead took that sadness and turned to my journal, I took that shame and forgave her, I took that guilt and owned it..........

As soon as I removed myself from places and spaces that did not deserve me or uplifted me, I began to see you again.....that same unhealed, hurt little girl was sitting at that same table that I'd left behind!

She was laughing, showing a "this her" picture to the faceless/nameless beings that once was.....now instead of us sharing the same shoes, you now walk alone, attached to that same table that seems to have you bound...

I hope one day you get up from that table...


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